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In my last post I talked about us developing a Smart Meter and Demand Response Body Of Knowledge. This Body Of Knowledge will be available to all and we will maintain it based on your feedback.

A key principle for us here at The Chapel Group is to avoid reinventing the wheel. Instead, recognize the great work of others and help build on that work.

We wanted to start helping with a question that I am sure sounds familiar. There is a problem to solve, and you get asked what other Utilities are doing. You spend weeks trying to source the information. You either come up empty handed or the answers come from a few well established relationships.

We all know globally there are hundreds of smart metering and demand response programs. We just don’t know where they all are and what there dimensions are.

Reported as being an initiative started by the Energy Retail Association in the UK. The Smart Metering Map shows smart metering initiatives around the world. It provides a description of each initiative and goes into different levels of detail. It covers electricity, gas, and water smart meter projects. It also lets you know if they are pilot programs or full programs.

The site has been around for a while and makes no promises about the accuracy or currency of information. Despite this, I find it to be a good source to help identify possible Utilities of interest.

It is now updated under the auspices of the Smart Metering Project in the United Kingdom.  For more details you can contact:

Please help your peers and spend a few minutes to update your project information on this site.