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Do all of your executives have skin in the digital game?

Do all of your executives have skin in the digital game?

In recent years you will have seen and heard endless references to being clear on your ‘why’. It’s about knowing your purpose, believing in it, and having a clear set of objectives. Once you know what you need to achieve and why, you can build your strategy…your...
Are your assumptions a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

Are your assumptions a wolf in sheep’s clothing?

It was 2007 and I was the head of technology and architecture at a very large Australian energy company. We were in the midst of a multi-year transformation. An implementation of an enterprise resource planning (or ERP) solution requiring a complete redesign of a...
What is Digital?

What is Digital?

Digital requires a new mindset, a new way of working, but it does not change the basics. You must still align everyone with the organisation’s purpose and objectives. Digital, done well, is a new way to achieve your objectives faster and at lower costs. Directors tend...
Does your IT know digital?

Does your IT know digital?

If, in my last post, I did not convince you to start small, let’s look inside your IT department. I am fascinated by the perception from non-technical people that IT know what they are doing with digital. The perception goes along the lines of, because they are ‘in...